Actually, your interest, attention, involvement, enjoyment and expected performance are very closely related to each other. You generally take care of or pay attention to what really interests you until you are otherwise forced to do so. As a result, you get involved in it, which enables you to understand it better. Your better level of understanding boosts your morale and encourages you to go ahead with it. Take the example of a student who is too weak in a subject. It means, he/she has little or too low understanding of that subject. Obviously, his/her knowledge in that subject being low, the performance is also poor. In such a condition, you can notice that the student lacks interest in that subject. Why is it so ? The answer is simple - because his/her understanding/knowledge of the subject is too low. So, one thing is clear that there is a direct relationship between interest and knowledge. Actually, they both go side by side. If you somehow raise the level of one, the other will also go up sooner or later. In the example cited, if the teacher/guide is somehow able to arouse the student's interest in the subject and get him/her involved in it, sooner or later his/her level of knowledge will also increase and so will be that of performance in the subject. Its vice-versa is also true. If, with deliberate efforts, the student's understanding of the subject is enhanced, by and by he/she will start having interest in the subject and eventually the performance level will also go up. I have experimented it with hundreds of students during my journey as an educator and always found a positive result.
When you have interest in something e.g.acting, singing, painting/drawing etc, you enjoy doing it and you are automatically involved in bettering your performance by doing it again and again and thus you are into practice. This practice takes you to a higher level and your performance gets better. It is also true that your interest and involvement in something sooner or later catches people's attention and more often than not they themselves start paving your way to success through their direct or indirect support and thus helping you better your performance.
So, I believe that if you want your performance to be good, you must have proper knowledge and for this you must have keen interest. If you lack interest, acquire proper knowledge deliberately; sooner or later, interest will automatically follow, pushing you into practice to maximize your performance.
What do you think ? 😊
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You are right sir, "Liking" to do something is a "pre-requirement" of getting interest in anything.
Reply DeletePallavi....DAVPS MTPR
Well said sir, it is said that 'Practice makes a man perfect'.
Reply DeleteYes, you are right. Thank you for going through it!😊
Reply DeleteThank you Pallavi!😊
Reply DeleteThank you sir !
Reply DeleteWelcome Nilesh!😊
Reply DeleteAbsolutely sir... Nice article
Reply DeleteHighly informative, thoughts and ideas are yoked together producing the ethos and essence of education written in inimitable style that makes it indelible.
Reply DeleteAll best wishes
Thanks a lot, Sir for the nice appraisal! Please also look into other articles of mine and share your useful views.🙏😊
Reply DeleteThank you Purnima!😊
Reply DeleteTruly said and if everyone (mentor or facilitator) started following this by heart in nurturing the future minds then just imagine the output of our country. We can rock the in any field available in globe. Really thanks for sharing such a wonderful and core inspirations.
Reply DeleteThanks a lot, dear Masoom for appreciating my views! Let's hope, things will improve.😊
Reply DeleteYes why not sir
Reply Deletetruly said sir ur article is very informative nd prove that practice makes a man perfect
Reply DeleteThank sir
Reply DeleteInterest, practice and devotion in work can makes a man perfect. Your article is informative sir
Reply DeleteThank you for going through it! Who ?😊
Reply DeleteThank you !😊
Reply Delete🙏😊
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